The mantra was: “Build it and they will come.” In 2015 Dr. Allen Gee built The Healing Space in Cody, Wyoming with the knowledge that the environment has a profound effect on healing. This was to be a place that facilitated deep healing. The building’s architecture was deliberately designed to utilize the beauty and power of the Cody landscape – large windows frame Heart Mountain, Rattlesnake and Cedar, and if you stay around long enough you might see the neighborhood owl visiting the eaves of the third floor.
The building itself houses a plethora of health resources: in the basement there is counseling, a pine wood sauna, cognitive and gait research studies, and a kitchen. On the first floor is the lobby with floor-to-second-story-ceiling windows, a tea counter, a fireplace, and Sleep Lab. Going up to the second floor, you will find Dr. Gee’s neurology practice complete with exam rooms overlooking the mountains. Scott Wilson PA, Lauren Seitz PA, and Clinical Nutritionist Porter Koury also practice out of the second floor. All of these assets under one roof – what an opportunity to serve our community and help people heal.
In addition to being a physical space, The Healing Space houses a mindset of innovation and forward thinking. The word innovate comes from the Latin innovat meaning ‘renewed, or altered.’ The definition of renew is: to give fresh life or strength to; revive. At Frontier, we are giving fresh life to the practice of medicine and reviving ideas of pursuing wholeness. Once at a conference, Dr. Gee gave his pitch about neurohealth – treating the human as a dynamic whole – when an elderly primary care physician responded saying, “That’s how we did it 60 years ago.” Yes, we are building something at the edge of innovation, pushing boundaries using technology to make people’s lives better, and yes, we are remembering and bringing fresh life to old knowledge.
We have a depth of wellness resources – and up to now they’ve been kept inside craniums and medical practice. Moving forward, we are on a mission to make this knowledge into something that can be built upon in people’s everyday lives, in research studies, and in our community.